Green Creations started in December 2009 as a livelihood project of World Associates, LTD to facilitate the development of creative life-giving community and income sources for women. The program merged community development with environmental awareness and began with five ladies who developed the base components of each item from recyclable materials. Everything from old newspapers to glass bottles was repurposed at the hands of these skilled artisans. Over the years, more than 70 ladies have been interviewed for the program which currently employs 11 qualified women including a director and assistant
Under the leadership of these local directors, new products continue to be
developed and the use of sustainable materials is maximized in each product created.
The skill and creativity of the Green Creations women are evident in the design and
production of the quality upcycled handicrafts they create and sell. Jewelry,
homewares, and ornaments comprise the product lines currently marketed and sold in
both local and international venues including an online store. Each product inspires
care for the environment and each sale directly benefits the artisans and their families.
Green Creations is more than just an income-generating organization though, it
is a group of artisans who share not only their skills but their care for one another; transforming the workplace into a safe and healthy community where work and life is
shared. The development of local leadership is facilitated and individuals are
empowered to make a living based on their skills and to find value in the relationships
they establish within their Green Creations family.

We care for, love, and trust each other as family

We strive to learn from one another and develop holistically alongside each other in community

We value the beauty of the environment and are a voice encouraging stewardship

We empower each other to express and explore our inner creativity

We take pride in our work with a goal of customers desiring and delighting in our product